Monday, November 11

Long Time..

Umm..where do I start..umm oh yes..what I'm about to tell you guys that it's been a long time since  I last used my phone.I know this is sooo LAME but it's like a new thing to me to NOT using the phone.Well  the reason that I came up with this topic /story is that I never been so bored of my life,with my friends for sure.It's been a long time since the last time I felt welcome with them.I mean they're kind and funny but they seemed different now ..It's like they're trying to avoid me or trying to distant themselves from me,and i don't know why.Every time I try to be very friendly and in a good mood they always make something that would broke my heart a little.I still remember that day when i sit beside my BFF she just said to me "umm,zyra can you sit at the back,sorry" and asking one of my other friends that she's close with sat beside her,I simply said okay and showing a happy face  eventhough I feel sad and frustrated that my friend did that to me but I can't just say  no you know..cause that would broke her heart that I can't simply let that happen..Long time..but i really want things to change exactly how they're supposed to be..